Slocan Soccer Team, 1901, won the Demonstration Cup

Location A

In the early 1950s many of the historic buildings were torn down in order to “beautify” the village and make it attractive to would-be residents…

This photo taken from inside the tunnel shows Slocan in the distance, circa 1933

Location B

To the east of this location, and about a block and a half away is the hamlet of Brandon, founded by W.H. Brandon…

Dance at the Odd Fellows Hall, circa 1944

Location C

The Independent Order of Odd Fellows was one of the many organizations formed in Slocan…

Popoff Farm in the winter, the "x" marks Popoff's Store and the "v" marks Gardiner's Store

Location D

The Japanese Canadians interned here during the Second World War, brought with them their skills, expertise and culture…

Elementary (left) and High (right) schools, circa 1930s.

Location E

Continuing south on Harold Street, we come to the block that for nearly 90 years served as a location for up to three schools…

Logging Show 1990s, Walking on Air

Location F

On the way to the new high school location, you can see the curling rink on the left hand side…

Slocan Buddhist Church at Bay Farm, Funeral circa 1947

Location G

Before Slocan was a City, it had a “Civic Commission”…

artist rendition of early settlement

Location H

First Nations occupation of this immediate area stretches back over 3000 years according to recent archaeological excavations at historic Lemon Creek village and pithouse sites…

1897 Fire Map of Slocan, courtesy of the Library and Archives of Canada

Location I

Early entrepreneurs were the first to seize opportunities as the mining industry opened up the Slocan area…
