In the early 1950s many of the historic buildings were torn down in order to “beautify” the village and make it attractive to would-be residents…
Location B
To the east of this location, and about a block and a half away is the hamlet of Brandon, founded by W.H. Brandon…
Location C
The Independent Order of Odd Fellows was one of the many organizations formed in Slocan…
Location D
The Japanese Canadians interned here during the Second World War, brought with them their skills, expertise and culture…
Location E
Continuing south on Harold Street, we come to the block that for nearly 90 years served as a location for up to three schools…
Location F
On the way to the new high school location, you can see the curling rink on the left hand side…
Location G
Before Slocan was a City, it had a “Civic Commission”…
Location H
First Nations occupation of this immediate area stretches back over 3000 years according to recent archaeological excavations at historic Lemon Creek village and pithouse sites…
Location I
Early entrepreneurs were the first to seize opportunities as the mining industry opened up the Slocan area…